Social Media Marketing LinkedIn

If you want to be a part of the largest professional network available online today - LinkedIn is it.

Businesses from small, corner stores to huge, Fortune 500 companies are on it, and for good reason. It's the perfect place to connect with like-minded individuals in a group setting (LinkedIn groups), for the purposes of garnering new information, obtaining free resources, and even hiring talented people to work for your company.

Many of the people on LinkedIn already have numerous connections in their field, and are experts at growing a brand and getting more traffic to their businesses. As an extra bonus, LinkedIn is another online profile that will pop up in Google search results when people search for your company.

Quick Facts about LinkedIn, in case you're still not convinced:

  • There are over 200 million registered users on LinkedIn
  • 2.6 million companies already have company pages on LinkedIn
  • LinkedIn is the primary professional network for 61% of users
  • 50% of Fortune 500 companies hire through LinkedIn
  • 10 million personal endorsements are provided daily

So how can you get in on the action?

Well, it can take years to develop relationships that are mutually beneficial, and it takes a lot of effort and even daily engagement at times to become an expert in your field. And you want to be someone who people turn to for advice or help, but rather than turning your focus away from the ins and outs of running your business - let our social media specialists handle it for you.

Creating an outstanding company and personal profile is like creating a work of art. You are putting your entire brand out there for the world to see, so you need to make sure it's a great brand image, and outstanding first impression.

And now with LinkedIn for business, and detailed analytics - it's never been easier to track how well your brand is doing.

Click the icons below to read about our other social media offerings..


Interested in growing your brand presence with LinkedIn? Find out more about how MAXtech can help your social media presence!

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