Tips for Cyber Monday

If you have goals to increase profits, spread your brand awareness and to reach current and potential customers, then Cyber Monday should be a big deal to your company.

Cyber Monday was created as a supplement to Black Friday, one of the biggest shopping days in the U.S. that happens the day after Thanksgiving. Black Friday, on the other hand, wants shoppers to go to the actual physical locations of the stores and buy there. The way we shop, however, has changed.

Now, for every one person in the store, two are buying online. So Cyber Monday became the solution, where shoppers could still buy like crazy, but within the platform they prefer-a digital one. Here are some quick tips so you won't miss out when December 1, 2014, rolls around.

1. Can consumers find your website?

The majority of retail shopping on Cyber Monday will be from mobile devices. That means you absolutely must have a Responsive website or a mobile-friendly platform. If you do not, click here and watch the video below.

 2. Are you offering deals?

It's not enough to simply be online during the holiday season; you have to offer specials and deals so consumers will want to go to your site. via Topbargains2 via Topbargains2

3. How good is your SEO?

Search engine optimization is now a requirement for any successful marketing campaign. With millions of websites, yours needs to appear on the first page of search. If you aren't ranking where you need to be, click here.

Website Graphic - SEO


4. Does your copy entice the audience?

You will be competing against a lot of other brands, products and services. Your ad and website copy need to be better than the competition so you stand out and get the consumers going to your site. For the best copywriting services, click here.



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