Bing Joining the Spam Fight

Better late than never. Well, I guess that's not entirely fair-Bing has been fighting spam for awhile, but perhaps in not the most effective manner. Now, a new change has already affected three percent of search queries.


The new Bing anti-spam plan is designed to go over users that stuff keywords into titles, URLs and domains in order to boost rankings and appear higher on search.

"They [Bing] released a spam filter a 'few months' ago that impacted about 3% of all search queries. The spam filter was aimed at URL keyword stuffing," reported Barry Schwartz.

Last year Google changed their algorithm to Hummingbird to put an emphasis on content and to directly attack spammy and keyword-stuffed sites. Keyword stuffing is a very outdated practice, and to be so bold as to do it on the blatant area of the site name or URL is beyond confusing, but thousands do it and Bing is saying no more.

"As we alluded to in last week's Index Quality blog, today's update will focus on one specific spam filtering mechanism we rolled out a few months ago that targets a common spam technique known as URL keyword stuffing (KWS.)," wrote Igor Rondel of Bing Index Quality.

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