Smarty Pins Change Geography Games

If you're not a Millennial, then you probably remember the classic geography game, "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" (For the real nostalgia diehards, here's the theme song from the television show. #DoItRockapella) There used to be real excitement in finding foreign cities and learning about how culture cross cuts rivers, and, "ya know, like, places n' stuff."


Google is trying to bring back the fun of geography in a new feature called Smarty Pins. If you've used Google Maps before, chances are you've noticed the little balloon-shaped points that you can use to mark locations and destinations. Now, there is a game involved.

In honor of the biggest event on the planet, the World Cup (oh wait, the 2014 FIFA World Cup, trademark. The "nonprofit" entity FIFA almost lost a penny there.), there is a soccer-themed pin game.

To start the game to go here. Click on "start a new game," and choose regular geography/general trivia or play World Cup mode. If you choose soccer-correlated trivia, you will then be given a certain amount of miles. Wrong answers, you lose miles. The goal is to get as many points or bonuses as you can before you run out of miles.

When the game starts the map will show a random country in the world. The question then requires you to place the pin on the correct city representing the answer.

For example, for research purposes, Thoughtwire played and nailed the first 6 answers. Here's question seven: "French football star Thierry Henry left Barcelona to play for the Red Bulls. What U.S. city is home to the Red Bulls?" Move to the pin to New York and you got it. Google responded, "Outstanding! You dazzle us with your ability to know things not many people know!" Naturally.

Test your skills today. And sing the "Carmen" theme song to your co-workers throughout the day.

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