What's Trending on Facebook in 2015?

Trending on Facebook

This report looks at Facebook trends for the top 100 brands in the first quarter of 2015

Social analytics and marketing company, Simply Measured, just released their 2015 Facebook Industry Report where they discussed verticals and types of engagement that are trending on Facebook so far this year.

As Facebook is constantly evolving and changing their algorithm, it's essential for brands to keep up with the best practices and strategies. Here are a few takeaways from the report:

Less fans, more engagement

Facebook has updated its Page like counts and has decided to weed out a lot of spammy accounts. As a result, many brands have seen their fan count decrease.

Despite having less fans, Pages are seeing more engagement from the followers they have. Shares have increased, in part thanks to the increase of photos, videos and visual content. Advertising through Facebook has also increased 31 percent so far in 2015.

The main takeaway to interpret from this data is to post quality over quantity. Supplement those quality posts by spending some Ad money on Facebook as well.

Engagement by vertical

The vertical with the most posts and most engagement is the Media vertical. This isn't surprising considering people are more likely to engage/share a relevant news story than content from a retailer, restaurant, etc.

While business services and restaurants have seen the least amount of fan engagement in 2015, they have seen the most fan growth year-over-year from Q1, 2014 - Q1, 2015. Is that a result of more businesses creating Facebook Pages? Possibly. Whatever the case, the fans and followers are there - it's time to find a way to engage them.

Post engagement

What types of posts are receiving the most engagement? Links and photos are still the most successful types of posts, but videos are rapidly on the rise. From Q4, 2014 - Q1, 2015, video engagement increased 8 percent. Meanwhile, status updates by brands are basically dead and don't work.

To read the full trends report from Simply Measured. For a custom Facebook strategy that will increase your brand's presence online, call us at 800-367-2570 or click here to get started.

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