Study: Over 50% of Marketers Believe Being Mobile-Friendly Will Impact Their Search Ranking









Over the last few weeks, we have been consistently covering Google's announcement to give mobile-friendly websites a ranking boost. Starting April 21, Google will begin to roll out their algorithm which favors Responsive websites.

In plain English, this means that if your website is adaptive on the screens of smartphones and tablets, Google will make it easier for searchers to find your site.

A company called gShift, who creates software to monitor SEO, Social Media and Content, conducted a survey on this topic and interviewed over 275 digital marketers across a variety of industries. Most of the participants were senior-level decision makers and the survey was conducted over the week of March 25 through April 2.

What were the results? We'll list a couple of the questions below and you can read the rest for yourself, here.

Q1: Do you think your website is currently mobile-friendly?

69% of responders said, yes. However, gShift, upon further research, discovered that many of those answers weren't entirely true.

This makes sense because even if you have a mobile-friendly website, that doesn't mean it's built well. You're site may still suffer from mobile-based errors and slow loading speed. You can test the mobile-friendliness of your website by plugging it in here.

Q4: Do you think your web presence rankings in search and organic traffic will be affected by this change?

52% answered this question, yes. 20% said, no. 28% of responders were unsure. Although a majority of responders believe Mobile SEO affects search, this doesn't seem as lopsided it should be.

Perhaps some businesses don't rely much on Internet marketing at all to make money. Others may not believe Google's algorithm will affect them until they see a drop in rankings.

Our take? We have been talking about the importance of Responsive websites for a while now. They have always been important in providing a better customer experience. They have increasingly been important in determining your search engine ranking. Starting April 21, they will become even more important for SEO.

Stay ahead the curve and ahead of your competition. Call us at 800-367-2570 or contact us here for a free estimate on a mobile site.

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