Understanding Facebook Insights

Using Facebook Insights in determining when to post and what types of posts get the most engagement

If you manage a company or brand on Facebook, you have likely noticed that Facebook Insights is a very helpful tool. With so many other social analytics monitoring options on the market, Facebook, of course, has to compete by providing their own.

Insights provides a wide array of information about your Page's performance including: demographic data, how followers are engaging, how many people see your posts and much more. If you have never explored this information, get there by clicking Insights on your Profile Page.

Facebook Insights

When your fans are online

Determining when to post is important in getting eyes on your content. Facebook gives you this information and it looks like this:

Facebook Insights

The number above each day indicates how many of your fans were on Facebook during that day. You can also see what time they were online.

Between 3-4:00 a.m. isn't the best time to post because the least amount of your fans are online. On the contrary, some suggest posting during down times because there is less competition from other brands and you might getting a running start when traffic does spike.

Post types

Facebook also calculates the success of different post types based on average reach and engagement. Here are some of those statistics from a brand new Page we just started managing:

Facebook Insights

Based on this company's audience, photos are seen and engaged with far more often than text-only status updates and posts that include a link. More pictures, video and visual content are generally encouraged, but this information will look different for every Page.

It is important for Facebook admins to continually learn, record and analyze data like this from Facebook Insights. Getting your followers attention certainly requires exceptional content, but it also requires good timing.

For a brilliantly customized Social Media strategy and a Social Media Manager that will create branded content, analyze your audience and grow your company or brand's presence online, contact MAXtech Agency here or call us at 800-367-2570. 

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